I think I'm finally done.

The last game just broke the camels back. This game isn't healthy for my mental health.
Even thou it's not the game itself, which is insanely good. Nothing compares to it's strategic depth, diversity and general just fun gameplay.

What ruins this beautiful game is the people that play it. Rarely do I ever have a team that isn't toxic, whines or is just generally disruptive. It feels like when I win a game I win despite my team, not because of my team as I had to battle their mentality the whole game and try not to tilt myself. Sure there are games that are different, but I feel like they are few and far between. The worst part is people that think they are the shit and cry if you don't do what they say and then just tilt and run down mid 'cause you damaged their feeble ego.

Well it was a good ride and I don't wanna ramble too much. I hope you change for the better, but it feels like you're getting worse.

So long dota community, I'm now restricting myself to just watching the game instead of playing it.

submitted by /u/SuperXaen
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