Ceb and OG deserve being memed

I find it very ironic that Ceb, who is known for trashtalking people (third world dogs incident, excessive use of tips voicelines and loser sprays as a form of mental warfare, comparing the intelligence of pub teammates to pets or animals, saying it offends you if a team thinks they can beat you) and OG, arguably the most toxic team around (same issues as Ceb, call other teams shit in public interviews, calling teams noob etc jn pregame dpc interviews) think they are in any position to complain about other teams or people trashtalking them.

A meme about them being trash shouldn't be up for debate regarding whether or not it crossed a line. Within the context of how this team has conducted themselves since their first TI win, a meme like this is pretty mild in fact.

I was a fan of notail and OG when they were punching up. The schoolyard bully act got old pretty fast after that. Midormeepo let's goooo

submitted by /u/feedmeee__
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