A new type of account farming bot has come to dota


I've noticed these bots in 2-3 matches over the last 2 days. They are more advanced than the usual bots that were used by account sellers to farm new accounts in the past. They push one lane, cast spells from time to time, and return to base when low. It's very hard to tell them apart from the usual trashy noob player (at least in SEA) but once you see the pattern it's very noticeable. In the match I mentioned above, Jakiro and Bane were the bots. They usually go by two-letter names such as "aa" and "cc".

I know this post won't get much traction so I'm mentioning /u/Bu3nyy but I don't know if he even plays this game anymore. If you know of any other Valve/community people who can get Valve's attention to this, please feel free to ping them in the comments by mentioning.

submitted by /u/og_m4
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