Your high winrate is the reason you go on loss streaks

Recent winrate is taken into consideration when matchmaking, because the Dota 2 team think that it makes the matches "Balanced" and when you're on a win-streak your winrate goes up and in return you get teammates with lower and lower winrate every time you win so the average on both teams can be the same.

Playing with teammates who haven't been doing so well recently in their matches is annoying and tilting, and the more you play with them, the more it affects you mentally and affects your ability to play the game to your best.

There's no conspiracy, gaben doesn't hate you, and if you're doing well in ranked and you see your winrate going up, go play normal and lose some games, take a break then come back to ranked.

I don't think that recent winrate should be a factor in the matchmaking at all, because it's counter productive and if the player is doing well then they should rank up, not be punished for it. That's what the ranked system exists for. When on win- or lose-streaks players should get/lose extra rank per match and that way smurfs and account buyers can't ruin as many games and people can enjoy their games and fall in their brackets more accurately and quickly. The fact that recent winrate is used to ruin the matchmaking experience for people who actually do well in their brackets and not to counter smurfing/account buying is crazy to me.

Proof: I contacted steam support about this recently and that's their answer:

they didn't deny it unlike they did with account flags having anything to do with matchmaking.

Also you can literally go to any of your matches, calculate the winrate of every player in their last 20 games before that match, then calculate both team averages and it will very close if not the exact same.

Edit: added steam support response.

submitted by /u/Haembina
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