The story of a reformed toxic player

Ok so basically, since the behavior score got added, i've always been on the edge of ban, i even got to 800, it's been like that for years, and then, one day, i decided to stop, i'm currently sitting a 8k for months (it got down a little bit because my pc crashed twice in a row and i got into low prio)

The thing is, i was also VERY low mmr back then (around 800), and i raised to 2.5k while still having a stupidly low behavior score, but when your BS is super low, you're pretty much forced to play support, because if you don't, noone will (i've seen so many pos 5 afk jgl pa, that kind of things), basically, i played nothing but supports from 800 to 2.5k mmr

And now i'm a good support, but a 800 mmr tier carry/mid and offlaner, wich makes me a straight up handicap for my mates... anyway, if y'all have ideas on how i could improve as a carry, mid and offlaner, i'll take them

(English isnt my first language, sorry if it's a bit confusing)

submitted by /u/Buuuuuul
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