Second Battle Pass possible rewards

From the steamDB Github, this coding text has a line indicating the next battle pass rewards. The items are categorized into 9 tiers. Major rewards are Emblems, Arcana, Persona, Immortals, (Tower, Creep, Voice, Maps, Courier). The reward has been defined as the name "itemdef= xxxx" which indicates the item in the game. Basically, we don't know what it is but I just found the file of an item(cosmetic) in the Github repository and I find by filling the number that is defined in "itemdef". Here is a list.

ItemDEF 13786 = Pudge persona

ItemDEF 12937 = Tower Layout ti9

ItemDEF 12187 = Creep ti8

ItemDEF 12930 = QOP arcana

ItemDEF 11316 = Immortal garden

ItemDEF 10833 = Courier Dusky (2014)

ItemDEF 14996 = Voice of the international (2020)

ItemDEF 12961 = International 2019 (music pack)

ItemDEF 14998 = Immortal 2020 (Lich)

ItemDEF 14954 = Immortal 2020 (Oracle)

ItemDEF 14992 = Immortal 2020 (Clockwerk)

ItemDEF 14965 = Immortal 2020 (Pugna)

ItemDEF 9196 = Immortal 2017 (treant)

ItemDEF 14967 = Immortal 2020 (Gyro)

ItemDEF 14993 = Immortal 2020 (Phoenix)

ItemDEF 13811 = Immortal 2020 (Sven)

ItemDEF 14295 = Immortal 2020 (Magnus)

ItemDEF 13814 = Immortal 2020 (Slardar)

ItemDEF 14296 = Immortal 2020 (troll)

ItemDEF 13819 = Immortal 2020 (Witchdoctor)

ItemDEF 14962 = Immortal 2020 (Silencer)

ItemDEF 14949 = Immortal 2020 (Jakiro)

Don't know that it is trustable or not but it's a possible outcome.

submitted by /u/Lunafreya-Foret
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