Hero change ideas #6 Passives

Previous: Dawnbreaker Bloodseeker Luna Mars Razor

Tried to change some simple and basic passives and making them look kinda more complex or making them more interactive with the gameplay / situations.

Arcane Aura

Arcane Aura is a global flat mana regen bonus across the entire game, which i think it loses its value later on.

Arcane Aura


  • Now provides 12/18/24/30% mana regen amplification in 1200 radius
  • Self bonus factor reduced from 3 to 2
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +6% Arcane Aura Magic Resistance to +10% Arcane Aura Manaloss Reduction

With these changes, it can provide more utility.

Blade Dance

Blade Dance is a passive which gives a chance to deal crit damage. I think it's a good skill for Juggernaut's kit but it's literally a Crystalys with a slightly higher chance and crit value.

Blade Dance


  • Now provides bonus 150/200/250/300 attack speed for the next attack after a successful crit. Second attack cannot proc the crit again.
  • Chance reduced from 20/25/30/35% to 15/20/25/30%
  • Omnislash no longer gives bonus 40 attack speed

I didn't do the exact maths for it but i think it's more effective early and kinda doesn't matter after you reach high attack speed values. It also removes the luck of getting double crits.

Coup de Grace

Coup de Grace is a passive which gives a chance to deal crit damage. Despite being too basic i think it's OK due to its massive crit value which makes it kinda unique across the other crits.

Coup de Grace


  • Killing attacks now always look like Coup de Grace proc (damage may not be the same as the visual)

I couldn't think of a change to this ability besides crit values changing based on how much % of the enemy hp missing (Min crit: 150/250/350% / Max crit: 250/375/500%) but that would be against her one shotting people playstyle so i didn't include it.

Change doesn't matter for gameplay, it's only for logic / visuals because Coup de Grace is supposed to be a finishing blow.

Degen Aura

Degen Aura is a movement slow aura. It has been left dull with removal of attack speed slow and now it's only a slow aura. Which is just boring and cancer when it's on enemy.

Degen Aura


  • Now reduces enemy spell output by 10/15/20/25%
  • Movement slow reduced from 10/18/26/34% to 10/15/20/25%
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +15% Degen Aura Slow to +10% Degen Aura Slow/Spell Damage Reduction

Added some anti-spell utility where Omniknight kinda lost with removal of Repel. I took inspiration from Omniknight's scrapped ability called Divine Sanction which was supposed to replace old repel.

Ghoul Frenzy

Ghoul Frenzy is an ability added while removing Open Wounds for some reason. It gives movement slow and some passive attack speed.

Ghoul Frenzy


  • Attack speed bonus now depends on missing health on the attacked enemy
  • Attack speed bonus changed from 20/30/40/50 to 0-30/50/70/90 min-max.

I think this ability would make more sense this way.

Inner Beast

Inner Beast is a flat attack speed aura which was OK when Necronomicons weren't removed.

Inner Beast


  • Attack speed bonus reduced from 15/25/35/45 to 10/20/30/40
  • Now gives 8/12/16/20% bonus health to summons
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +350 Health Beastmaster Controlled Units to +15% Inner Beast Bonus Health

Integrated the level 15 talent into the ability to making it look less simple.

Lunar Blessing

Lunar Blessing is aura that gives flat damage and passive night vision bonus. I think it's a too simple of a passive.

Lunar Blessing


  • Damage bonus reduced from 5/15/25/35 to 4/12/20/28
  • Aura bonuses are now 1.5x at night
  • Night Vision reduced from 250/500/750/1000 to 200/400/600/800
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +8 All Stats to +100 Lunar Blessing Aura Attack Range

In this way ability would be more interactive with the game time and Eclipse.

Presence of the Dark Lord

Presence of the Dark Lord is a armor reduction aura.

Presence of the Dark Lord


  • Now causes enemies to be feared if they are hit by Requiem of Souls
  • Requiem of Souls no longer fears

I think "fear" would make more sense in this skill because of the skill name. Thought about adding some fear to 3 stacks of Shadow Raze aswell but i think it would be very annoying.

Storm Surge

Storm Surge is a passive which gives %movement speed bonus. I think it's the most simple passive on the game.

Storm Surge


  • Movement speed bonus changed from 12/16/20/24% to flat 10/15/20/25
  • Now steals 5% movement speed from a random hero for 3/4/5/6 seconds whenever Razor casts an ability.

In this way the ability is a lot more interactive with the game and his other abilities, rather than just giving passive movement speed.


Untouchable is a attack speed slow passive. This ability is actually fine on its own despite being simple.



  • Attack speed slow reduced from 120/160/200 to 100/150/200
  • Now increases cast time for unit targeted spells by 25/50/75%

I think adding cast time increase would be a good addition as a mechanic. I dont know how effective it would be with 75%. Only cast time increase in the game i could find is from Bane which only increases by 30% and it didn't look that impactful on unit targeted spells (other than sniper).

Vengeance Aura

Vengeance aura is a %damage bonus aura. It's also good on its own because it's a percentage based damage skill which makes it scalable. But it doesn't have anything "Vengeance" in it.

Vengeance Aura


  • Base damage bonus reduced from 11/18/25/32% to 10/15/20/25%
  • Now grants Vengeance bonus to allies dying under the aura. Bonus gives 10/20/40/80 attack damage against their killer.

In that way "Vengeance" part makes sense.

submitted by /u/Maldingmaldman
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