Does anyone else wish for a traditional RTS game in the DotA universe?? I'd love for DotA to come full circle and make a better WC3 than Blizzard, and for Valve to put their own spin on the genre. What factions do you think they'll make?

Considering how well they've done with DotA2, I'm eager to play an RTS campaign in the DotA universe. So many different factions could be made; maybe we could mix match heroes from different groups to create our own unit set in a draft format or such..

The part that gets me excited is the campaign more than anything. I've never been much of a PvP guy since my APM doesn't go over 100 except when I'm typing

There's so much design space to be explored in RTS but I guess the thing that's really keeping it down is the APM requirements and complexity..

submitted by /u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA
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