So today I queue into a game and mark safelane to play some pos1. A bit later into the picking phase another player marks offlane and picks PA. I'm not so married to playing carry that I want to grief the game, so I say "hey, PA, why don't you take safelane. PA isn't really an offlane hero. I can play bristle or something." And PA amicably agrees.
So you might think all is well in the world of Dota 2, right? Well, not so. This PA proceeds to spend the entirety of the game playing like an absolute buffoon. Multiple teamfights around key objectives she just doesn't have a TP scroll for some reason. And to cap it all off we won a huge teamfight after the enemy grabbed Rosh and had an opportunity to swing the game in our favor, and she proceeded to feed on her own unnecessarily despite everyone pinging her multiple times and begging her to stick together.
Upon reflection I realize that this loss is 100% on me. Why I believed that someone who genuinely thought offlane PA would work would actually play a decent game is beyond me, but in the future I've resolved to never make the same mistake again. Dota 2 is a learning process after all I suppose.
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