What's some skill/mechanic you took forever to understand?

For me, I started playing only Carry (like everyone) before switching around various roles. (Right now I love initiator P4s).

Eventually, as a Lion, I learned that supports to step away from the front lines since they are squishy and just need to use all spells while not feeding. But I kind of assumed it just applies to supports. I never realised it applies to carries too.

But I guess "Don't be in the heart of a team fight if you can't do your job" (stuns, damage, heals) applies to everyone except maybe tanks.

Recently, I was watching OG in the qualifiers for TI and it fucking hit me. Those rules apply to carry.

Sumail isn't always trying to take down 2-3 heros at the same time in a fight. He'd often wait for someone to be locked down/isolated so that he could deal damage on them with spells and right clicks.

I kinda realised if he played like me, he'd be fucked. He'd take a crazy amount of damage and struggle to stay alive and do damage. Even if he had a BKB and other defensive items. He could free farm and still struggle.

I play a lot of Luna and would often try to be right in the middle fight and just get obliterated way too often. Even as a carry, I was often amaongst the first to die in a team fight.

I took forever to realise it's not just supports that need to think things through.

What are some things you took forever to realise that make you feel like an idiot?

submitted by /u/Transit-Strike
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