[MMR Guide, Part I] If you are below Immortal, these 7 mechanics will surely help you get there

Hi, guys. xuisoko here! You would be amazed what mechanic boosted me from 5k to 6k last time I climbed.
Turn Rate abuse, Proper Camera Movement (Combo of Camera Grip, and Edge Pan), Hero Movement, and Directional movement can alone win you 1000 MMR if you are below Divine!

Honestly, I'm very excited, this is the best YouTube Video I've made so far!
Go check it out. Constructive Criticism is always welcome.

Fun Fact: Did you know that someone just 200 mmr more than you is more likely to win in 55% of the games against you? Recently, I noticed that there are some mechanics like [Camera Movement], [Directional Movement], [Hero Movement], that is greatly overlooked by most players.

A 5% improvement in your gameplay would result on average in a 200 mmr increase in the long run. So small improvements like camera usage, hero movement, mindset and rest, play a large part in eSports like Dota.

There are also other more general tips in the video. Text guide below:

#1 Hero Spamming

There are two benefits to hero spamming.

  1. It frees RAM off your brain. Our brains work like computers. You get so familiar with a hero you don't have to think anymore whether you should cast time walk aggressively on void or not, You do it instinctively. Or whether you should cast shackles or hex first on shadow shaman. If you are a seasoned player with the hero, you will have more RAM memory available in your brain for important decisions like positioning in team fights and strategy. We can only do so many things at once.
  2. Each hero teaches us something different. When I spammed 100 alchemist games in a row, I learned how to farm efficiently and better farming patterns, as well as agro in the lane to secure cs. When you play Storm, you learn mana consumption and spell usage and hero limits. Playing heroes like abbadon or venge helps you with positioning and spell anticipation to counter enemies. The list is endless here.
  3. Figure out what you are bad at, and play the hero that improves this aspect of the game. You will get good results, I promise you. There are several ways of figuring out what you are bad at, I mention them in the video.

#2 Pre-game Strategy

  1. Communication is key. Do you have a dazzle in your team? Are you a huskar, or a drow or a gyro? Are you the "win condition", tell them to save their grave for you and not use it on your pos 4 ancient apparition for no reason. Make sure to communicate your important thoughts with your team mates.
  2. Itemisation. Are you one of these people that build 4 urns of shadows in the same team, 2 Vladimir offerings and 3 desolators? Well, I've seen 2 meks and 2 pipes, as well. Make sure to communicate with your team and figure out who is going to shut down that insanely tanky bristleback or timber, if you have no hero for that. (You would need more than just a vessel in most cases.)
  3. Power spikes and cooldown. Play around power spikes. Don't force fights unless you know your heroes are very strong. I play a lot of void, my allies always want to go and die when I don't have Chrono on the other side of the map. Instruct them that you don't want to fight without Chrono.

#3 Camera Movement

Camera Grip is way more superior to Edge pan. If you don't know which is which, check the videoat the 5:30 minute mark.

But, honestly, A combination of both edge pan and camera grip is what most pro players use. I've made sure to do the same. Actually, this is what boosted me from 5k to 6k last time I climbed.

When chasing enemies in intense fights in one direction, most pros actually use edge pan, whereas, during all other stages of the game, they use Camera Grip.

You can use the mouse wheel button (mouse3) for camera grip, I personally use a side button on my mouse.

#4 Directional Movement wins games

Are you playing Slark, Shadow fiend, or simply want to cast force staff on the right spot? Fear not, Directional movement is very helpful.
Although this should be common knowledge, a lot of 2-3-4k players don't know what it is and how to use it.

This is an option that allows your hero to try and take the shortest path to the place you clicked your cursor. So for example, if you click on the other side of the cliff, your hero will bump into the cliff, facing the direction you want and just stay there, instead of going around through trees and shit.

#5 Click in front of your hero

If you've watched a lot of Arteezy streams, you know how he clicks right next to his hero. This is for a reason. If you actually place your cursor 50-100 units in front of your hero while walking, you have much greater control where your hero is facing and how he choose pathing near trees and dangerous objects like mines, spark wraiths, or even dark willow bushes.

When you master this, you would be able to abuse the turn rate of your enemies and completely destroy them by casting from the right position.

#6 Turn Rate Abuse

Has it happened to you to jump on a hero, and you get instantly hexed? Even if they are hacking and using a script, if you blink behind them, you can still be faster and stun them first.

In the video, I demonstrate this with shadow shaman and lion. When lion blinks in front of shadow shaman, he gets hexed first, but when he blinks behind, he is the one to hex first.

This results in either a kill or a death, which can win you the game.

#7 Creep Aggro

Supports must master Creep aggro, tower aggro, as much as cores, in order to properly know how to position themselves on the laning stage. Since this post is getting lengthy, and I've previously posted about creep aggro, I'm leaving this section entirely in the video for you guys to watch. --------------------------------------------------------------

I hope this was informative and educational to some of you.

Please, let me know in the comments what you want to see next!

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submitted by /u/Gurbalov
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