MMR manipulation in AD

The following players are exploiting Ability draft to gain hidden MMR — they have 2 smurfs with them to lower the average game MMR and make sure they win. They play between 11 pm and 3-4 AM only to maximise the chance of not meeting other groups.

  • 311230923
  • 138226753
  • 137880048
  • 1056567485 (immortal smurf)
  • 261070784 (archon account probably numbered immortal)

They're currently on a 20 game winstreak.
They fountain farm you & play for time (hours for ranked).
This type if behavior is just not tolerable especially with the new smurf detection, the problem is that AD damage/gpm/xpm/kda doesn't follow the same rules as normal games due to whacky builds being possible (eg. Counter Helix & Greevil's Greed).
Boosters and smurfs are exploiting the fact that ability draft is under the radar & not getting banned.

If ability draft doesn't get the same treatment as normal games there will still be smurfs and boosters ruining games & people buying accounts from these people.

TL;DR AD doesn't trigger smurf detection & allows boosters/smurfs to avoid bans

submitted by /u/yotcadota
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