
General: delete references to long-gone talents

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* If playing aggressively as an initiator, Phoenix should choose the middle lane or offlane, where it can go solo and have as much gold and experience as it can get. Harass your lane opponents with your debuffs to prevent them from getting last hits and denying you from your own.
* If playing aggressively as an initiator, Phoenix should choose the middle lane or offlane, where it can go solo and have as much gold and experience as it can get. Harass your lane opponents with your debuffs to prevent them from getting last hits and denying you from your own.
* When choosing to do an aggressive playstyle, Phoenix must increase its spell damage output and its capability to contribute to teamfights a lot more. Since initiator Phoenix players will use Supernova to get into fights often, the additional health, strength, and armor are not too important as the Phoenix Sun does not use these values. Instead, the extra experience gain will allow Phoenix to level up its abilities as well as talents faster, increasing both survivability and damage output.
* When choosing to do an aggressive playstyle, Phoenix must increase its spell damage output and its capability to contribute to teamfights a lot more. Since initiator Phoenix players will use Supernova to get into fights often, the additional health, strength, and armor are not too important as the Phoenix Sun does not use these values. Instead, the extra experience gain will allow Phoenix to level up its abilities as well as talents faster, increasing both survivability and damage output.
* At level 25 talent, if you are facing high attack speed heroes, choosing the extra Supernova hit count will assist the Sun's completion. On the other hand, if the enemy heroes are either lacking in attack speed or have difficulty escaping your initiation, choosing the additional stun time may keep the enemy in place long enough to let your team follow up with their own damage.
* At level 25 talent, if you are facing high attack speed heroes, choosing the extra Supernova hit count will assist the Sun's completion. On the other hand, if the enemy heroes are either lacking in attack speed or have difficulty escaping your initiation, choosing the additional damage on Sun Beam is helpful for damage-dealing.
* For the support Phoenix, such players will not be throwing themselves deep into the fight with their ultimate, rather will be using their abilities from afar to cripple the enemy and aid their allies while staying away from harm, or perhaps initiate as well but mostly using their already available abilities to add damage to a gank or teamfight. The additional health and armor will increase Phoenix's lane survivability, and perhaps more protection from would be gankers or should it be the focus of a teamfight, the extra gold per minute will allow faster purchasing of expensive items like or , and the additional Supernova hit count stacks with Aghanim's Scepter's as well, meaning should Phoenix absorb an ally into its Sun, enemy heroes should face great difficulty destroying it if the entire team doesn't focus it down as soon as possible or if they lack the attack speed.
* Support Phoenix players will not be throwing themselves deep into the fight with their ultimate, rather will be using their abilities from afar to cripple the enemy and aid their allies, or perhaps initiate as well but mostly using their already available abilities to add damage to a gank or teamfight. The additional health will increase Phoenix's lane survivability, and perhaps provide more protection from would-be gankers, and the additional Supernova hit count stacks with Aghanim's Scepter's as well, meaning should Phoenix absorb an ally into its Sun, enemy heroes should face great difficulty destroying it if the entire team doesn't focus it down as soon as possible or if they lack the attack speed.
* Remember to keep at least 310 mana on Phoenix at all times, so that you have enough to use Fire Spirits and Supernova should the need arise. Try not to waste too much mana with your spells as lacking these abilities to use can make escaping difficult if Icarus Dive is unavailable. Defend yourself by activating Fire Spirits, applying them quickly to enemies and then cast Supernova to protect yourself. If done right, you will be reborn with refreshed abilities, health and mana, as well as stunned opponents, letting you Dive away to safety.
* Remember to keep at least 310 mana on Phoenix at all times, so that you have enough to use Fire Spirits and Supernova should the need arise. Try not to waste too much mana with your spells as lacking these abilities to use can make escaping difficult if Icarus Dive is unavailable. Defend yourself by activating Fire Spirits, applying them quickly to enemies and then cast Supernova to protect yourself. If done right, you will be reborn with refreshed abilities, health and mana, as well as stunned opponents, letting you Dive away to safety.
* Phoenix's non-ultimate abilities are very weak at level 1. Try to get to level 3 first to obtain a level 2 Fire Spirits/Sun Ray to harass the enemy. Supernova is also rather fragile at level 1, so great caution must be taken when using the ability at low levels.
* Phoenix's non-ultimate abilities are very weak at level 1. Try to get to level 3 first to obtain a level 2 Fire Spirits/Sun Ray to harass the enemy. Supernova is also rather fragile at level 1, so great caution must be taken when using the ability at low levels.
* All of Phoenix's abilities, except for its ultimate, have health costs along with mana costs (except Icarus Dive). With this in mind, be wary of the enemy team when using those abilities in lane. While the health costs are always based on your ''current'' health (and therefore, you can never kill yourself with it), it ''will'' decrease your health by a great amount, making you a tempting target for ganks. As such, ward around your lane or have an escape prepared.
* All of Phoenix's abilities, except for its ultimate, have health costs along with mana costs (except Icarus Dive). With this in mind, be wary of the enemy team when using those abilities in lane. While the health costs are always based on your ''current'' health (and therefore, you can never kill yourself with it), it ''will'' decrease your health by a great amount, making you a tempting target for ganks. As such, ward around your lane or have an escape prepared.
* Phoenix does not have any targeted abilities but have good range and radius, making it good for area denial, scouting, or teamfight contribution all from a safe distance.
* Phoenix does not have any targeted abilities but has good range and radius, making it good for area denial, scouting, or teamfight contribution all from a safe distance.
* Phoenix does the most damage when it manages to apply all its debuffs (and any of those from items it has bought) onto its target, slowly whittling them down. Being highly dependent on debuffs, be wary of [[dispel]] like or .
* Phoenix does the most damage when it manages to apply all its debuffs (and any of those from items it has bought) onto its target, slowly whittling them down. Being highly dependent on debuffs, be wary of [[dispel]]s like or .
=== Abilities ===
=== Abilities ===

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