Nyx Assassin

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'''Nyx Assassin''' is a [[melee]] [[agility]] [[hero]] who is feared as one of the most effective [[ganker]]s and solo-killers in the game. With his powerful burst damage [[nuke]]s, Nyx Assassin specializes in disabling and killing lone and fragile enemies with little to no warning. He possesses an area nuke and stun ability in [[#Impale|Impale]], allowing him to disable enemies in a straight line in front of him while dealing damage. His [[#Mana Burn|Mana Burn]] ability can destroy a significant fraction of a target hero's mana pool while dealing the same amount as damage, making him the bane of weak [[intelligence]] heroes with lots of mana but very little health. Should the enemy attempt to attack him, Nyx Assassin can dissuade them with [[#Spiked Carapace|Spiked Carapace]], stunning any heroes that attack him while reflecting their damage back at them. His ultimate, [[#Vendetta|Vendetta]], turns Nyx invisible, allowing him to deal tremendous pure damage to the next target that he strikes out of invisibility while also impeding their passive skills. Stalking from the shadows, Nyx Assassin can strike without warning and lay low his foes before they realize that their death is upon them.
'''Anub'arak''', the '''Nyx Assassin''' is a [[melee]] [[agility]] [[hero]] who is feared as one of the most effective [[ganker]]s and solo-killers in the game. With his powerful burst damage [[nuke]]s, Nyx Assassin specializes in disabling and killing lone and fragile enemies with little to no warning. He possesses an area nuke and stun ability in [[#Impale|Impale]], allowing him to disable enemies in a straight line in front of him while dealing damage. His [[#Mana Burn|Mana Burn]] ability can destroy a significant fraction of a target hero's mana pool while dealing the same amount as damage, making him the bane of weak [[intelligence]] heroes with lots of mana but very little health. Should the enemy attempt to attack him, Nyx Assassin can dissuade them with [[#Spiked Carapace|Spiked Carapace]], stunning any heroes that attack him while reflecting their damage back at them. His ultimate, [[#Vendetta|Vendetta]], turns Nyx invisible, allowing him to deal tremendous pure damage to the next target that he strikes out of invisibility while also impeding their passive skills. Stalking from the shadows, Nyx Assassin can strike without warning and lay low his foes before they realize that their death is upon them.
== Bio ==
== Bio ==

from Dota 2 Wiki - Recent changes [en] https://ift.tt/2PLryNg