Dota is borderline unplayable on weekends.

Over some time now, i've noticed that Dota is actually unplayable on weekends.

I have consistently have much lower win rate on weekends than on normal weekdays.

It is actually insane how uneven games are, and i don't remember having this problem in any other game that i have played prior to dota2.

Im currently playing in Low immortal bracket on EU West, and on normal week days, the games are pretty decent and challenging.

So my friend and i have been playing a couple of games tonight, and we very rarely see griefing/account buying in our games.

In the 7 games that i have played tonight, 6 of them were complete stomps, 4 of them had people rage buybacking and buying shadow amulet, and i had never seen the shadow amulet grief prior to tonight, and now i've seen it 3 times.

I can't actually imagine how the people who are raging and/or actively ruining games function in real life, it just blows my mind.

Well i guess i just needed this rant more than i realized, because the games have been extreamly rough even though we have been winning more than losing.

Have you guys noticed these trends in your games aswell?

submitted by /u/dajanitor
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